Dominique Blanc, you yourself suffered from Corona. Do you understand the harsh measures taken by the Federal Council, which mean massive cuts in sport?
Dominique Blanc: Of course, I can understand that these protective measures are absolutely necessary, now we have to break the tip. And yes, if you yourself were in the hospital at 70, you will understand a little more. But I’m immune at the moment and a second infection is very rare, my doctor says.
Contact sports are now banned and amateur football will be stopped immediately. Are we talking about postponements or the end of the season?
From an outage. Many games have already been played. We now have a longer winter break and then hopefully end the season in the spring.
Berset to new measures: “Last chance to prevent blocking”(03:10)
Do you hope to be able to train in the hall again earlier?
At the moment only individual training is allowed. And football with a mask, no, it doesn’t work. But of course I hope that normalcy returns as soon as possible.
Children up to 16 years are excluded.
Fortunately, children can train. I am very happy with this and consider it a good fit. On the one hand, because they rarely carry the virus. Secondly, it is already difficult for parents to work from home. And if you have children who are not allowed to move and therefore express their impulse, this makes everything even more difficult.
Enhanced measures: “A black day for sport”(06:18)
Professional football is facing tough months because only ghost games are pending. How do you see the situation?
It’s a shame with up to 50 people in the stadium and it will be very difficult. The motto must be to play as many games as possible. And, of course, in the next step you have to talk about contributions à fond perdu. In this situation with no spectators, it becomes difficult for professional clubs with credit.
One problem is that in the event of illness the entire team is always in quarantine.
Above all, it differs from canton to canton. Difficult, yes.
The national team will play a test match in Belgium on 11 November. This is difficult in the current situation, where you have to limit travel.
Professional football must be viewed separately. Everything that is planned should be followed. We want to try young people. He can help Vladimir Petkovic improve the team.
Ultimately it’s all about the money: that SFV has a duty to sponsors, right?
This is also true, yes. But in the end, the individual national federations deal with agreements with UEFA on centralized television rights. We would have played against Croatia and Belgium in Qatar. And yes, it would be a loss of earnings because a certain number of matches have been agreed with UEFA. So it makes sporting and financial sense.
The national team has not won five times in a row. Are you worried?
No. The Nations League was planned from the start as a preparation for EM.
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