Covid-19 increases the risk of stroke: an expert describes the six factors that cause the disease. And he gives advice on how to be able to play sports more often.
It is like the sword of Damocles, say the affections. Especially if you have already witnessed a case in the environment or if you have already been affected yourself. Fear of a stroke or heart attack can be a constant companion. And that fear will likely be increased by Corona: as Innsbruck epidemiologist Stefan Kiechl described this week, Covid-19 promotes strokes. Also, severe infection courses are twice as common in stroke patients than in people with healthy blood vessels.
The most important …
Accessed October 28, 2020 at 7:51 am at https://www.sn.at/panorama/wissen/wie-man-sich-vor-schlaganfall-und-herzinfarkt-schuetzen-kann-94832569
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