So many people think that having money is the key to happiness, classical wisdom says the opposite. So many hustlers feel that if they combine and save enough time and money, they can build a life for themselves that can give them happiness. According to the Chanel brand literature, the best things in life are free, the latter are all very expensive. YouTube self-help gurus will tell you that you can be rich if you save if you earn more each year if you pay your debts. But that's not all that we already know too well and that happens too much less.
We can not save because spending has become so easy. Spending on Starbucks and Gelatos and all the Uber Eats readily available, there is not much sweat in burning money. This means that the ease of capitalism keeps us all prisoners of our piggy banks and we are not trying to change this a little bit. But relax, you do not have to overthrow capitalism to become richer, to live the life you want. Small steps can help. One of these is that they make money that is hard to spend and easy to save.
It sounds brilliant, is not it? It is not as difficult as your Youtubing and the authors of the main book clubs will make you believe.
The paper money and bank money of Fiat are equally liquid, super-draining and so difficult to earn, while the gain has much to do with our system of so-called mythic meritocracy, it may be easier to earn more value, passing our account for the rainy day that never fills up in the first place, is emptied for things like beer and holiday emergencies, in a safer place, where money is safe from you, my friend, you're the guilty.
You should be able to own your money, this is an indisputable fact. But, sometimes, when you're surrendering to the power strategies of the big giant companies that are shaping your needs and desires without stopping, that's where you need an intervention authorized by you. While banks and other peeps allow you to have that control, but are responsible for the money you spend that exceeds the money you are able to save. For this you can use a diversified risk portfolio for yourself in a currency that is as stable as a rainy day account, maybe it will give you security and peace of mind without having spent all of it.