Cryptocurrency has long been a source of contribution to stop the constant drama of the world. For example, the Pineapple Fund donated $ 55 million to BTC to various charitable organizations. One of the foundations that received money was focused on providing water to those who were poor.
The cryptocurrency is designed to improve the financial problems of the world by providing a stable currency to countries that do not already own it. There are still many countries that do not have banking systems in place, which is where cryptocurrency fits.
People who are owners of cryptocurrency already tend to have their toes immersed in the water of different financial arenas. Most of them are men living in the United States and Canada.
How much AKOIN, the token was created by the North American musician who wanted to build his city / state in Senegal. The project has jumped over a narrow personal ambition, instead of inspiring several African entrepreneurs to do business across the African continent. The important part to note is how Akon's decision has triggered a movement to create new opportunities.
However, with the scams associated with cryptocurrency, there is a lot of negativity surrounding Akoin. It is not too late for the platform, however, to run and to provide Africans with a stable monetary system that can be accessed without the need for a traditional banking system. Akoin is making strides to grow collaborating with other companies like BitMinutes and Butterfly.
It is not concealed from the fact that the continent of Arica has had to deal with major jokes of arrest in the past due to corruption. Akoin hopes to create a stable currency that is not subject to corruption and, in turn, will help the new markets in Africa. Transparency is the secret to doing token work; people are fed up with difficulties in the country. There is still a long journey to the cryptocurrency, however, that needs to work on their current roadmap.
With the new launch of the token, cryptocurrency has the ability to get real traction in Africa. Akoin is inspired by the film Marvel Blackpanther, also by calling the community built around Wacoinda. They are also trying to go beyond Senegal to other countries like Nigeria and Ghana.
One thing the team has to work on is to repair the damage caused to the token from its first frustrating launch. But with the help of Akon who is working hard to see the project until the end, Akoin still has the potential to be a significant cryptocurrency player, perhaps even the biggest in Africa.
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