XRParrot launched for Ripple XRP users

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A platform designed to allow users to convert their Fiat into XRP with low fares and without the need for an exchange could soon be available. Wietse Wind, which is an XRP programmer, recently launched the beta version of the XParrot platform. The platform now works on an invitation-only basis. To use, you will only enter the address of your wallet. You can then link the money you want to convert into the platform account. The fiat is converted into XRP token and stored in the wallet address.


XRParrot, created by the XRP enthusiast, Wieste Wind, who also created XRP Tip Bot, has finally unveiled the XRParrot site which has shown an incoming sign so far. The $ 19 billion market cryptocurrency is gaining tremendous support from exchanges and other establishments while adding support for XRP.

Beta users state that the whole process runs in a few hours. The tax is quite low with only one euro. One user said that you entered the address of your wallet and the transfer to the account. A confirmation code is sent to your number once the transactions are processed. He also published an image of the confirmation message.

According to the website, it is registered as an official activity in the Netherlands. XRParrot was created with the aim of making it easier for people in Europe (with an IBAN bank account) to acquire XRP.

As for taxes, it states, "After receiving your funds 0.5% with a minimum of € 1 will be charged .The remaining amount will be exchanged and sent to your XRP destination account." The Questions section frequent Web site provides more information on related topics.

Liquidity increases enormously

In recent days, a flurry of cryptocurrency exchanges from around the world has added XRP to its platform.

XRP is slowly gaining ground in the Thai market just a few days ago, the Thailand-based exchange, the TOK-supported XRP / BTC pair and now Bangkok-based Bitkub is adding the second biggest encryption to its platform that for now has only six cryptos.

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