93 drugs marketed in France are dangerous to health according to the medical journal Prescgere


On Thursday, November 26, the medical journal Prescgere published a new black list of drugs to avoid due to their dangerousness or the negative effects they cause. Of these, 93 are currently marketed in France.

It has been nine years since the independent medical journal Prescgere presented its list of drugs“exclude treatments and replace them with better options”.Its 2021 report covers 112 drugs, 93 of which are marketed in France. A very detailed and rather disturbing report.

Causes of death, hospitalization or serious adverse effects

To achieve this result, Prescgere analyzed all drugs with marketing authorization for ten years, from 2010 to 2020. They were able to observe the long-term adverse effects of some drugs. Between them. The drugs on this list have it a “unfavorable risk-benefit balance in all clinical situations in which they are authorized in France”.

The result is brutal: “112 licensed drugs are more dangerous than useful” Prescribe the title. These are slightly older drugs, for which new and more positive alternatives have meanwhile been marketed, but also widely used drugs whose efficacy has not been deemed sufficiently convincing.

New dangerous drugs

In this very long list, which you find in the very detailed Prescribe report, two drugs in particular cause concern. New to this blacklist, they cause unwanted effects “disproportionate to their low efficacy or to the benignity of the disorders treated”.

This is the famous “finastérie 1 mg”, used for hair loss in men and “piracetam”, a vasodilator used for dizziness or minor ailments associated with aging. Three other drugs are also proposed because there are other less dangerous alternatives: esketamine as a nasal spray, the pimecrolimus and the romosozumab.

If you’re taking any of these medications, learn about existing, less dangerous alternatives. Prescribe remembers it anyway “these drugs are not necessarily future mediators” but that it is important that health actors react to avoid new tragedies.

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