9 healthy habits to reduce infections when using the bathroom


Poor hygiene is associated with the transmission of diseases such as cholera, diarrhea and dysentery, and failure to wash hands after using the toilet can lead to the spread of an important strain of E. Virus and bacteria.

According to a newspaper article TIME NOW NEWS Researchers have found that neglecting toilet hygiene may be behind the spread of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli bacteria that usually live in the gut and can cause severe infections and symptoms such as diarrhea and dehydration. Adequate sanitation facilities such as bathrooms and toilets promote health.

On the occasion of World Toilet Day, which is celebrated on November 19 each year, the report shows hygiene methods to reduce infections.

World Toilet Day aims to raise awareness of 4.2 billion people who live without access to safely managed sanitation facilities. The lack of basic sanitation facilities such as clean and safe restrooms can contribute to an unsanitary environment contaminated with human waste, leading to the spread of diseases and conditions. Adequate sanitation facilities, as well as good toilet hygiene, can reduce the risk of infections and diseases.

10 ways to prevent infection through the toilet

Skin is a natural barrier against germs Germs can pass through open wounds or can enter the body through touch and tools Things that can lead to infection Any hole in the skin should be covered..

Always wash it by hand before and after use to make sure you get rid of all excrement.

Be polite to have the bathroom clean for the next person to use.

Always use soap after using the toilet You should wash your hands for at least 20 seconds Never touch anything in the toilet Use a good hand sanitizer if possible. If soap isn’t available, use astringent powders or solutions to wash your hands.

Choose disposable options like portable urinal devices.

If you use a communal western toilet, clean the seat surface with soapy disinfectant wipes, wrapping it with paper, or using a disinfectant spray before sitting down to avoid splattering your skin.

Sanitary faucets, faucets, and bathroom door handles can also contain harmful germs, so you are advised to stay informed and disinfect by washing your hands thoroughly after touching them..

You should always keep the floor dry Remember that a damp bathroom floor carries multiple risks, from increasing the risk of falling to providing an ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and germs.

Also, drink enough water to produce clearer urine, at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid.

Avoid holding urine for a longer period of time by eating lots of acidic foods such as cranberries, tamarind and diluted apple cider vinegar as they can help balance acidity levels in the urine..


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