7 simple winter skin care rules to follow for better skin in the future


Winters are officially here and so are skin problems! As much as we love cold weather for its intimacy, we despise it for the problems it brings. From brittle bones to dry, flaky skin – you have to deal with it a lot. But there is a solution for everything – case in point – the skin. You should never neglect your skin, especially during the winter season. Winter skincare is simple and you just need to follow a few simple rules to make your skin look beautiful this season. Read also – Causes of dry skin and the best advice from dermatologists to treat it

Winter skin care rules to follow

Keep your skin barrier strong

With a dip in the temperature and the sun high, it’s best to protect your delicate skin from environmental aggressors. The winter season could lead to irritated, dry and dehydrated skin. Look for skin care products that contain ceramides, vitamin C, niacinamide, and moisturizing properties. Read also – Moisturizer is a must in winter: here’s how to choose the right one for your skin

Reduce exfoliation

Cut back on exfoliation when winter comes. If you’re used to exfoliating frequently, switch to applying it once or twice a week. Whatever you do, don’t overdo it and be gentle when exfoliating your skin. You can choose homemade exfoliants to avoid redness and irritation. Also read – Reasons why wearing sunscreen is just as important in winters

Keep your night routine under control

Your skin naturally repairs itself at night, so your night should be centered around treatment and giving your skin what it needs. Look for polyhydroxy acids, retinol and ceramides to protect your skin in cold weather.

Avoid oils if you have oily skin

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean you need to lather your skin with moisturizers. If you have oily skin or acne-prone skin, using oils on the skin can cause rashes. Dermatologists recommend using a layer of moisturizer if you have oily skin.

Hydrate, hydrate!

For those with dry skin, it is essential to moisturize the skin to hydrate and soften it. Make sure you choose a formula that doesn’t make your skin greasy or heavy.

Don’t forget sunscreen

Protecting your skin from UV rays is a year-round commitment. Wearing sunscreen is important during cold weather as it helps protect the skin. UV rays deplete the collagen in the skin and cause it to age prematurely. Make sure you apply sunscreen every 2-3 hours (especially if you are going out) to avoid skin problems such as sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines.

Fill up on antioxidants and vitamin D.

Follow a diet rich in antioxidants to protect it from pollution and UV damage. Including vitamin D in your winter diet can help you fight inflammatory conditions like acne, rosacea, and eczema. Lack of this vitamin can also cause hormonal imbalances and affect your mood.

Published: 27 November 2020 20:28

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