6 types of bacteria-rich foods the body needs …


1:00 pm

Tuesday 10 November 2020

I wrote – Shaima Morsi

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria in the body, so you should eat foods that contain these bacteria as they help maintain intestinal health and protect the body from many diseases.

In the report, we present a group of foods rich in probiotics, according to “healthline” and “amymyersmd”.

1- Yogurt:

It is one of the best sources of probiotics, which help improve digestive health, reduce depression, and promote heart health.

2- Some types of cheese:

Only a few cheeses, including cheddar and mozzarella, are considered highly nutritious and are beneficial for heart and bone health.

3- Bananas:

It is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as probiotics, which help increase good gut bacteria, reduce swelling, and improve muscle relaxation.

4- apples:

Packed with prebiotic benefits, it can help restore the balance of gut bacteria and is also rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and pectin, so eating one or more a day can improve digestive health, increase metabolism and reduce low density lipoprotein and cholesterol.

5- Onions:

Onions are versatile, rich in nutrients and packed with probiotics, antioxidants and flavonoids, which help strengthen the gut, boost the immune system, promote cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of cancer.

6- garlic:

An herb with a long tradition of medicinal use, thanks in part to its potent antimicrobial benefits, is also rich in prebiotics, which aid digestion and help prevent digestive diseases, and research has shown that consuming it helps reduce the risk of heart disease and even cancer.


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