6 exercises that doctors recommend doing when you are dizzy


The American website “Step to Health” published a report which talked about the exercises that doctors recommend practicing in case of dizziness.

The site states, in its report translated from “Arabi 21”, that the feeling that everything is happening around you, as well as headaches and nausea, is one of the most common symptoms of dizziness. According to the Spanish Association of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, about 80% of people experience an episode of dizziness at some point in their life, and it is more common in adults over 40.

He said that despite the many causes and types of dizziness, the most common form is due to a problem in the inner ear. It usually develops after slight changes in posture or head movement.

The site explained that what is actually happening is the separation of a series of small calcium crystals found in the inner ear, which help balance and enter the semicircular canal of the ear; This is what makes you feel that everything is happening around you.

What are the recommended exercises for vertigo?

The site confirmed that there are many recommended exercises that will help the displaced crystals return to the inner ear, so that they don’t cause any symptoms of dizziness. Before performing these exercises, it is important to determine which ear is causing the problem. The easiest way to do this is to turn your head to the left, to the right, and to look over your shoulder. After doing this, you should be able to see which direction you feel the most lightheaded. For example, if the sensation increases when you tilt your head to the left, this is likely the affected side.

Epley maneuver

The Epley maneuver involves several head movements, usually under the supervision of a doctor or physiotherapist. These exercises are performed by lying on the bed with the specialist tilting the patient’s head 45 degrees towards the affected ear. Then the specialist asks the patient to lie down again, making sure his head is tilted and letting it dangle from the end of the bed.

At this point, the patient may have a dizzy episode, but must remain in the same position until the dizzy sensation subsides. Subsequently, the specialist again tilts the patient’s head 90 ° towards the uninjured ear; To ensure that the crystals are repositioned.

Simont’s maneuver

Similar to the Epley maneuver, this exercise must be supervised by a doctor or physiotherapist, as the patient sits on the bed and the specialist tilts the head 45 degrees to the other side of the affected ear while keeping the head wrapped, then the specialist places the patient on their side, usually the side of the affected ear.

Promote the maneuver

The site explained that the Foster maneuver is one of the simplest ways to treat vertigo because it doesn’t require you to lie down in bed or help another person, but rather requires you to follow certain steps such as kneeling on a comfortable surface, resting your hands. on the floor and move your head up and down until you feel that the vertigo has subsided.

Brandt Daroff maneuver

It is very easy to do the Brandt Daroff exercises at home. According to a study published in the Journal of Physiotherapy of the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia, Brandt Daroff’s exercises are most effective when a patient performs five sets of them at least 3 times a day for two consecutive weeks.

Other recommended exercises for vertigo

The site added that there are also other specialist recommended exercises that can help combat this ailment, and it is important to do these exercises carefully to avoid falls or injuries caused by fainting that can accompany dizziness.

Consult a doctor about these vertigo exercises

The site indicated that although these exercises are generally helpful, it is still necessary to consult a specialist before performing them to determine the cause of dizziness and determine the appropriate type of exercise for your condition, especially if you have neck or spine injuries. vertebral.

The site pointed out that it is normal to feel dizzy during these exercises; Therefore, you should take it slow and rest between each set, and wait a few minutes before getting back on your feet.


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