6 Best Low Sugar Fruits For Diabetics To Manage Blood Sugar Levels


Controlling blood sugar levels is one of the most challenging things to do. While you may think sugar is the culprit, it’s not, and things you never imagine can cause sudden blood sugar spikes. So, finding the right foods to eat when you have diabetes is essential to keep those fluctuating numbers in check. People suffering from this lifestyle disease are often advised to fill up on fruit, but not all fruits are created equal. So, what fruits are good for diabetics? Read also – Can Diabetes Be Prevented? Things to do if you are at risk

Diabetic fruit

Although almost all fruits are nutritious, diabetics need to be very careful here. Fruits like mango and musk melon are incredibly healthy, but they are high in sugar. However, this type of sugar is not as bad for you as those found in fizzy drinks and sugary treats. But be sure to consult a doctor before incorporating them into your diet. Also read – Diabetes Diet: 7 Indian Foods to Control Blood Sugar Levels

The type of fruit you should choose should be low-glycemic index (GI). GI is a method used to classify foods based on their effects on blood sugar levels. Low GI fruits are digested and metabolized slowly in the system, leading to a gradual rise in sugar levels. Here are the fruits you should include in your diet to manage diabetes. Also read – Diabetes: Common Mistakes You’re Making That Can Raise Your Blood Sugar Levels


Apples are a highly nutritious fruit that contains various nutrients, including vitamin C and fiber, which help manage blood sugar levels. Low in calories, apples also contain antioxidants, which are great for chronic diseases like diabetes. So, next time you skip breakfast quickly, put an apple in your bag.


The American Diabetes Association listed citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits among the superfoods for diabetes. So, treat yourself to the delicious, meaty oranges if you have diabetes. An average orange contains around 75% vitamin C, which can help reduce high blood sugar levels. It is also rich in folate and potassium, both of which are good for diabetics.


This nutrient and vitamin rich fruit can be a good addition to your diet. It is an excellent source of fiber, which helps slow down sugar absorption and improve blood sugar levels. Furthermore, pears improve in taste and texture after being stored.


Rich in vitamin C, peaches can help manage blood sugar levels. This juicy fruit is also rich in potassium. Low potassium levels have been linked to high blood sugar levels and increased the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Hence, a potassium-rich diet is good for diabetics.


Apricots are versatile fruits, which are rich in different nutrients and offer a number of health benefits. According to a study published in the journal Nutrition and diabetes, apricots are safer foods to include in the diabetes diet than starchy foods.


Kiwifruit looks and tastes amazing, but did you know it can help you manage your blood sugar levels? The vibrant green fruit can do wonders for your health. This spicy fruit is packed with vitamin C, potassium and carbohydrates, making it a smart addition to your diabetes-friendly diet.

Note: Keep in mind that diabetics can include these fruits in their diet, but moderation is the key here. Too much can be harmful to health. Also, consult a doctor before incorporating these fruits in diabetes diet.

Published: November 21, 2020 17:51 | Updated: November 21, 2020 5:56 pm

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