5 Tips for Controlling Your Blood Sugar – Health Statement – Life


The Egyptian National Institute of Nutrition has addressed a number of tips for diabetics to maintain weight and prevent high blood sugar levels.

The institute stressed, according to the Vito website, the need to adhere to healthy meals and healthy foods.

Tips included:

When you feel hungry between meals, eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Eating green leafy vegetables helps control weight and a sense of satiety.

Lettuce and watercress at each meal maintain the sugar and fat content.

Eat fresh fruit instead of juices as they contain fiber.

In the case of consuming fresh juices, it is preferable to have no sugar or some sugar instead of canned juices.

Symptoms of diabetes include:

1- Intense thirst.

2- The constant feeling of hunger.

3- Weight loss.

4- Stress.

5- Blurred vision and visual disturbances.

6- frequent urination.

7- Failure to heal wounds.

8- Pain and numbness in the limbs.

9- Heat in the feet.


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