5 things I want to see in the Survivor series


OR Survivor Series Is one of pay per view the oldest in the WWE and the one with the most history, where extraordinary moments have already been foreseen, such as the debut of The Undertaker, Montreal Screwjob and the debut of The Shield, to name a few.

In addition to the excellent concept of the event, the dynamism and preparation that this event requires makes it highly anticipated, from the invasions of the opposing brands to the arena of each, to the choice of teams. However, this year we didn’t have any of that, so this year’s event doesn’t have the same hype that others had and this is explained by the pandemic situation in which we live and I also feel that the non-appearance of NXT at the event makes the event more “poor” than last year.

As I have done for other events, I will talk about what I want to see in this year’s Survivor Series, explaining each point and analyzing some of the battles present in this great event.

So without further ado, I’ll start this list of the 5 things I want to see in this year’s Survivor Series. Here we are!

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