5 health benefits of walnuts and the most important way to include them in the diet .. Reduces inflammation in the body


Site said “TimesNowNews“Walnuts are one of the most common and readily available nuts. Experts point out the need to include them in the diet. Walnuts have a hard, stone-like coating and contain crunchy, nutrient-rich, healthful seeds.

Its benefits range from giving you more nutrients and managing weight.

Benefits of walnut

Walnuts can be considered a superfood due to the huge health benefits they provide. Here are some common benefits of nuts:

First: it is rich in omega-3s

Omega-3 fatty acids are only available in some specific foods, walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can promote cardiovascular health.

Secondly, it helps reduce inflammation

Walnuts contain polyphenols that can help reduce inflammation, which is important because inflammation is a major cause of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes..

Third: it helps in weight management

Walnuts are a rich source of healthy fats and calories, however, their effect tends more to provide energy than to promote unhealthy weight gain because it can help control hunger..

Fourth: reproductive health benefits

As for male reproductive health, walnuts may help improve male fertility by promoting sperm health, furthermore, walnut consumption has been linked to improved cognitive function, so it may be beneficial for women during pregnancy.

Fifth: improves skin and hair care

Nuts are a rich source of antioxidants, which makes them useful for improving skin care and slowing the aging process, and they are also a source of biotin, an essential nutrient necessary for good hair health..

How to include nuts in your diet

It is relatively easy to include foods such as dried fruits and nuts in the diet, however, a person just needs to be careful about storage because the presence of fat in nuts can make them vulnerable to spoilage.

Here are some ways you can use walnuts:

the authorities

As you make salads, you can chop some nuts and sprinkle them over the ingredients for a healthy salad.


You can chop nuts and put yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, or liquid dessert on top of them.


One of the simplest ways to include walnuts in your diet is to chop them and add them to breakfast in homemade oatmeal bars, granola or cereal..

Homemade sauce

You can search for salsa recipes online, make salsa, and add nuts to eat with bread or pasta.

Bakery products

This is a popular method that can make your baked goods healthier. All you need to do is add chopped nuts to bread, muffins or muffin dough before baking..


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