3,500 PS5 consoles taken away, but scalpers ‘have no regrets’


Scalpers want to make money fast on PS5 application.
Scalpers want to make money fast on PS5 application.

Many fans, who have been looking forward to sitting under the tree with the PS5 in their arms all year round, are currently examining the tube. Due to the chaos of pre-orders, complications of the coronavirus pandemic and the general availability of the console, there is currently little hope of getting a PlayStation 5 in 2020.

Scalpers take advantage of the shortage of PS5 and are unaware of any guilt

The so-called scalpers have made a significant contribution to this. People who secure highly anticipated products on a large scale (and often with the help of buying bots) and then sell them for too high prices, all for profit. A single group of scalpers from Britain stole 3,500 proud PS5 consoles from the market.

Scalpers justify themselves: After the scam became known and images of PS5 stacks emerged, the shit storm was great. Customers who haven’t run away from a console are frustrated and angry that such methods are being used here. But the scalpers themselves are not aware of any fault, quite the contrary.

In a Facebook post, the makers of “CrepChiefNotify” face the accusations and don’t want to put up with the criticism:

“Many of our members have been given leave, become obsolete or have suffered other forms of disadvantage as a result of the pandemic. These people could pay their bills, put food on the table and receive Christmas gifts for their children. They could be miserable. having a child for Christmas without a PS5 wakes up, but another child would wake up with nothing. We have no regrets. “

So based on that self-perception, it was a really good thing in the end to rip all those consoles out and make a profit. Because it helps people.

The answers to the justification are clear

“You have no regrets, huh? Okay, we’ll help you with that.”

“To read how you still describe your reasons as selfless is absolutely embarrassing.”

“Any crime could be legalized with that statement.” Sorry I stole your car, my kids need Christmas presents. “Never heard shit like this.”

In Facebook’s statement, by the way, the scalpers try to escape the self-made accusation of relying on bots. This was not the case at all and everything was done manually and with a lot of preparation.

Contradictory statements: In a Business Insider report, a CrepChiefNotify group manager talked about his “team of 12” who secured over 2,400 PS5 consoles with bot support on the day of release alone. And now everything should have happened manually.

At the same time, the group recruits new members and talks openly about the business model being to resell goods at inflated prices to make “easy money”. In addition to the previous activity with sneakers, now there seems to be gaming hardware among the offers.

Is this scam worth it? There is currently a survey on GamePro.de in which we want to know from you if you would be willing to pay more than the selling price of a console. Participate and vote:

Survey: would you pay more for PS5 and Xbox Series X / S?


more on the subject

Survey: would you pay more for PS5 and Xbox Series X / S?

Hope for the new PS5 consoles is growing again

Just yesterday, Sony stressed once again that the launch of the PS5 has been extremely positive. And during that time, additional quotas will be sent to dealers later this year. So there’s still little hope of getting a PS5 just before Christmas, but even here the scalpers will be pulling their antennas out again.

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