Winter is one of the seasons that cause common respiratory diseases such as: colds and flu, and with lower temperatures, small particles of dust and pollen entering the respiratory system lead to irritation and many other lung-related problems, but some vitamins can boost it The health of your lungs and the prevention of cell damage and increasing the intake of these vitamins in winter can prevent problems such as shortness of breath and irritability, in this report we learn about 3 vitamins you should take in winter improve lung health, according to the Times of India website.
3 vitamins to take to improve lung health

Vitamin A
Vitamin A, the most important nutrient needed to improve lung health, these nutrients are important for boosting immunity, which aids in the renewal of the body’s cells. So by increasing your vitamin A intake, you can start the natural repair process of the lung tissue. In addition to the importance of this vitamin for lung function, it is also responsible for the growth of many tissues and cells, as well as for lung growth.
The good part is that there is no need to consume excessive amounts of vitamin A. Being a fat-soluble vitamin, this nutrient is stored in the body for a long time and is required in small amounts.
Taking too much vitamin A for long periods of time can lead to liver and bone problems. Dairy products, fish, fortified cereals, carrots, broccoli, cantaloupe and squash are common sources of vitamin A.
C vitamin
Vitamin C helps our body in various ways, and protecting the lungs from chronic disease is one of them. Eating enough of this vitamin, in one day, can boost immune health and increase collagen formation in the skin.
The presence of free radicals and toxins in the lungs due to smoking and pollution can lead to inflammation in the body. Vitamin C, found mainly in lemons, fights free radicals and toxins and also helps your body get rid of these potentially harmful particles. It also reduces the rates of damage to lung tissue, giving the body the opportunity to repair itself.
According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, vitamin C can improve lung function and halve the incidence of respiratory symptoms during and after exercise.
The main potential benefits of this nutrient are due to its antioxidant content. Eat citrus, chili, guava, kiwi, broccoli, kale, and berries to get more of these nutrients.

Vitamin D
In addition to strengthening your teeth and bones, vitamin D also protects you from respiratory infections and can reduce the risk of developing COPD, according to one study, low levels of vitamin D can increase the risk of developing wheezing, bronchitis, asthma and organ problems. Other respiratory system.
Increasing your intake of these nutrients can improve lung function. It is not difficult to get enough of this nutrient because sunlight is the main source of vitamin D. Some other foods such as tuna, salmon, sardines, oysters and egg yolks are naturally rich in vitamin D.
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