3 transfers to Bandit No Ruler in the World


Uğur Keleş, Soner Türker and Ahmet Erkut were included in the cast of the popular TV series Eşkıya Dünyaya Ruler. Transfers that will change the course of the series will be introduced as new members of the “Korkmaz” family.

Birsen of Tv100 Altuntas‘in newssecond Continuing for 6 seasons on ATV screens, the Eşkıya Dünyaya No Ruler series continues its transfer moves to further increase its ratings in the new season. After Pelik Akil was included in the series in the past few weeks, Engin Benli was also included in the cast.


When the writers of the series decided to add new members to the Korkmaz family, 3 names joined the cast at the same time. Members of the Korkmaz family, Derman Korkmaz, Selman Korkmaz and Dayı Korkmaz characters Uğur Keleş, Soner Turker is Ahmet Erkut will revive.

With the new relocations, the tension between the Çakırbeyli family and the Korkmaz family should increase.

3 transfers to Bandit No Ruler in the World
Ugur Keles

He played roles in some episodes of the series in 2018

Uğur Keleş, one of the new actors in the series, gave birth to a character called “Derman” in the Back Streets series, where he previously starred. Keleş appeared in several episodes of the series in 2018.

3 transfers to Bandit No Ruler in the World
Soner Turker
3 transfers to Bandit No Ruler in the World


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