3 South East members, statements on health by Mihai Budeanu: “Hard week, stress and emotions in the ICU”


The health of Mihai Budeanu (44 years old), a member of the South East band 3, infected with the new coronavirus, improves overnight after a very difficult week spent in ICU.

The member of the 3rd South East Troop arrived urgently at the Mangalia hospital, where he was admitted to the ICU. His condition was serious and on November 19, doctors transferred him to Medgidia Municipal Hospital to benefit from plasma treatment.

In a message posted on the band’s page on a social network, colleagues said that “the danger has passed and now a recovery period follows”.

They also wanted to thank the medical staff, especially a Las Vegas doctor, who provided them with “the treatment protocol that he used in the Las Vegas hospital.”

“Mihai’s condition improves overnight after a very difficult week, with a lot of stress and emotion in the ICU. The danger has passed and now a period of recovery is coming.

Time to thank the doctors who saved Mihai’s life.

We had not only doctors but also guardian angels:

Dr. Ion Alexie, our friend, an infectious disease specialist in Las Vegas, who provided us with the treatment protocol he used in the Las Vegas hospital.

I was very lucky that there was very good and extremely fast collaboration and communication between the Romanian doctors and Dr. Alexie.

Warm thanks to our friend, the primary physician of ATI Ciprian Bărbulescu who was equally involved and attentive in the treatment of Mihai and to the medical staff of the municipal hospital of Mangalia.

Thanks also to the doctors and medical staff of the municipal hospital of Medgidia, in particular to Dr. Ionuț Vasiliu for the very important contribution in saving Mihai’s life.

Take care of yourself and others around you by wearing a mask and keeping your distance. “ posted his colleague, Laurențiu Duță, on his Facebook page.

The number of cases of new coronavirus infection in Constanta remains at a very high level, although the city is in its second week of quarantine.

In the last 24 hours, 335 cases have been confirmed, or almost 10% of the total number nationwide. Constanța is only surpassed by the city of Bucharest, which has over 500 new cases.

Under these conditions, the incidence of Covid 19 cases in the municipality is 10.85 cases per thousand inhabitants and at the county level of 7.49, which places Constanța County in first place in the country.

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