3 factors to consider before trading crypto perpetual futures contracts


As tempting as it can be to buy altcoins using perpetual futures, there are some hidden pitfalls that you should monitor closely.

In recent years, numerous exchanges have begun to offer altcoin futures listed in Tether (USDT) and stablecoin pairs, which eventually became the standard. This change is more convenient for most traders, but still presents some serious problems for those looking to keep long positions open for more than a couple of weeks.

Before opening any trade in an exchange that offers perpetual futures, traders should be aware that stronger wicks can perform stop losses, investors lose the ability to stake their altcoins for lucrative returns, and the variable funding rate can significantly increase the costs of carrying out an exchange.

Lever leads to stronger wicks

Regardless of how liquid a market is, leverage will result in stronger wicks. While these moves don’t usually lead to a forced liquidation, they could cause investors to be arrested.

Therefore, the possibility of incorrect wicks is the main reason that traders should avoid holding positions in futures for longer periods.

Futures settlement engines use a price index made up of multiple spot (regular) trades to avoid price manipulation. Therefore, the system will close positions with insufficient margin only once an index reaches its stops.

Ether Coinbase and Binance perpetual futures. Source: Tradingview

Take note of how ETH had a low of $ 326 on Coinbase, while at the same time Binance futures faced a low of $ 302. This change might seem small, but this has certainly triggered traders’ stop orders.

There is a way to avoid such problems, simply by setting the stop order trigger to Mark Price (Index) instead of Last Price.

BTC futures contract activation price selection. Source: Binance

Making this simple change will avoid liquidation if the futures contracts monetarily decouple from its index. The big problem is that not all exchanges offer this possibility.

Staking and liquidity mining can offer a better return

Buying altcoins using futures does not allow them to be used for staking or lending. For investors looking to hold a long-term position, this is another factor to consider.

There are a number of platforms offering wagering and loan services, including major centralized exchanges. Some of the altcoins that offer 30-day contract annual percentage returns (APY) that can range from 7% to 18% are Polkadot (DOT), Tron (TRX), Cosmos (ATOM) and Cardano (ADA).

Decentralized mining pools (DeFi) are another way to generate income by holding altcoins. Users should be wary of the inherent risks of this industry, especially the loss-making pools occurring between two different cryptocurrencies.

Current yield of the DeFi. Source: CoinMarketCap

So, opting for a perpetual future, it will not be possible to participate in staking and produce agriculture. It may not affect the decision for those betting on short-term price swings, but it weighs more as the weeks go by.