3 drinks that destroy the crown and the flu


Three drinks can almost completely destroy the corona virus in humans, German researchers at the University of Ulm announced.

German scientists from the Institute of Molecular Virology of the University Medical Center of Ulm have studied how the foods used every day can influence the spread of the corona virus, but also the flu.

As they claimed, respiratory viruses initially infect the nasal and oral cavities, where they multiply, cause symptoms, and can be transmitted from there to other people.

According to their findings, preventing the initial infection or reducing the concentration of the virus in the nasal and oral cavity can reduce the spread to others, but also relieve symptoms and spread to the lungs.

In a recently published study, scientists found that aronia juice, pomegranate juice and green tea have a significant antiviral role against both influenza and corona viruses.

A mixture of aronia juice and water, when used for rinsing the throat, destroys 97% of the corona virus in the oral cavity after just five minutes, according to German scientists. Pomegranate juice and green tea kill 80% of the virus after one minute of rinsing.


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