20 tips and features to make the most of WhatsApp


Practical, free and efficient, WhatsApp is today one of the most used applications in the world. But we often lack many features that would be very useful. 20 tips for using it at its best.

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Acquired by Facebook in 2014, the application is used by over 2 billion people. Between messages, calls and group discussions, this versatile and intuitive application is really pushing good old texting into oblivion.

An application that is not reserved for Generation Z, on the contrary: according to a recent study by Ipsos, almost 40% of French over 50 use it occasionally to communicate with loved ones.

However, there are many users who are not familiar with all of its features. Did you know that you can share “stories”, send temporary messages, share your location in real time or read messages without notifying the sender? We have selected 20 hidden tips and features for you, to know everything about the popular instant messaging system.

To discover them click on this link or on the image below

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