20 million Americans vaccinated before Christmas?


7.46: Contact in Germany to be reduced

In Germany, where a sharp increase in infections has been observed for several weeks, Chancellor Angela Merkel has invited the Germans to reduce contacts to the bare minimum.
“We still have a long way to go, but the good news is that we have managed to stop the exponential growth” of the virus, Merkel said.

7:24 am: Emmanuel Macron takes the pulse of a very worried sports world

Emmanuel Macron this Tuesday morning will take the pulse of a French sports world that feels neglected and asks for a contingency plan not to sink in the coming months.
The first spring confinement had frozen all of France, stadiums between the chagrin of French football, the second leaves the professionals trampling lawns and floors but without spectators, and therefore without income, foreshadowing difficult months.

Find our article here.

7:00 am: 20 million Americans vaccinated before Christmas?

The prospect of the first vaccinations against Covid-19 in the United States by the end of the year is materializing Pfizer / BioNTech is Modern.
The two vaccines could be licensed by the United States Medicines Agency (FDA) in the first half of December, Moncef Slaoui, scientific director of Operation Warp Speed, set up by President Donald Trump to vaccinate the American population, said Monday. This would allow 20 million Americans to be vaccinated, probably the most elderly and at risk as a priority, from the second half of December, according to him, then 25 million people a month from January.

6:25 am: Moderna vaccine results “incredibly impressive,” says Dr. Fauci

Immunologist Anthony Fauci, a highly respected figure in the United States, welcomed the announcement by the American company Moderna on Monday of a vaccine that is almost 95% effective against Covid-19.

“The idea of ​​having a 94.5 percent effective vaccine is incredibly impressive,” he said. “It’s a really amazing result, I don’t think anyone expected it to be that good.”

6:12: Castex has heard about his handling of the health crisis

Prime Minister Jean Castex will be heard this Tuesday at the end of the day by the Assembly’s parliamentary commission of inquiry into the management of the coronavirus outbreak.

Cross-border, cacophony around the closure of non-essential exercises, TousAntiCovid candidacy… Here are some of the topics on which the Prime Minister’s answers are expected (read our article here).

6:10 am: Do shops reopen on December 1st?

Operation November 27: The government plans to reopen the confined activities on December 1, but calls are increasing to bring forward three days and allow professionals to take advantage of the “Black Friday” “usual and controversial end-of-year kickoff.

As for bars and restaurants, they may be closed until January, or even February.

6:07 am: Second confinement in Austria

Austria begins a second lockdown on Tuesday, with the closure of non-essential schools and shops and a call to stay home. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz also announced a large-scale screening of Covid-19.

What to know this Tuesday morning

– In France, 508 new deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths since the start of the epidemic to more than 45,000. The number of people currently hospitalized in France broke a new record, at 33,466 with 2,065 new patients within 24 hours.

– The government has cautiously given its consent to the resumption of religious ceremonies with the public from 1 December, but on two conditions: compliance with a new health protocol in places of worship and a favorable development of the epidemiological situation.

– US biotech company Moderna announced Monday that its vaccine is 94.5% effective in reducing the risk of contracting the disease, similar to the 90% effectiveness announced last week by the Pfizer / BioNTech alliance. If this level of effectiveness were the same in the general population, it would be one of the most effective vaccines around.

– The head of the World Health Organization welcomed the “encouraging news” on the vaccine front, but assured that “it is not the time for complacency”.

6:05 am: Welcome to this live video dedicated to the coronavirus epidemic in France and around the world.

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