10 ways to safely deal with diabetes, including weight loss


Diabetics can live with the disease, and this needs to constantly monitor their diet and make sure their blood sugar is under control, as diabetes is a major disease affecting millions of people around the world and what a person eat plays an important role for diabetics, constantly monitoring it alongside In addition to following a regular eating schedule, it helps a lot, in addition to physical activity, it is also a must to ensure that the body uses insulin, in this report we learn the 10 most important ways to live with diabetes safely, according to the website.NDTV“.

Here are some common tips on how to control sugar:

1. Weight loss

Being overweight leads to insulin resistance and makes it difficult for the body to maintain adequate blood glucose levels.

2. Follow a balanced diet with complex carbohydrates

Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, good sources of fat, and the foods to avoid are those high in unsaturated fats (also called trans fats), processed foods, and sugars.

Carbohydrates are high in fiber and are not processed as much as refined carbs, take longer to digest and therefore provide a sustainable energy source for longer.

3. Benefits of barley

A recent study by the University of Lund in Sweden indicates that eating a special blend of dietary fiber found in barley can help reduce appetite and blood sugar levels.

According to the researchers, barley can also rapidly improve people’s health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

4. Benefits of resistant starch

According to a study by University College Dublin In Ireland, resistant starch, which occurs naturally in foods such as bananas, potatoes, grains and legumes, can benefit health by helping to control blood sugar, support gut health, and promote satiety. This is a form of starch. which is not digested in the small intestine. Hence, it is considered a type of dietary fiber.

5. Try the nuts

Walnuts contain unsaturated fats, proteins and a host of vitamins and minerals that lower cholesterol, inflammation, and insulin resistance. According to a study published in the journal BMJ Open In this article, you must include at least 50 grams of almonds, cashews, walnuts, or pistachios in your diet to control blood fats (triglycerides) and sugars.

6. The benefits of ginger

According to a study by the University of Sweden, ginger has a potential ability to control blood glucose using muscle cells.

The study found that ginger extracts were able to increase glucose uptake in muscle cells independently of insulin.

7. Cinnamon can help

According to research from the Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California, “Preliminary studies have indicated that a compound is Cinnamaldehyde It is responsible for the health effects of cinnamon.

Researchers suspect that this substance may stimulate insulin secretion and effect, providing cinnamon with its enhanced potency. Glycemia.”

8. Maintain a regular schedule for regular meals

Blood sugar levels are better regulated if you keep a regular eating schedule. Six small meals instead of three large meals help keep sugar and serving levels in check.

9- Physical activity is a must

Exercising for at least 30 minutes is a must for diabetics, regular exercise is necessary to keep glucose levels in check.

The muscle movement that leads to the use of insulin 30 minutes of walking a day will reduce the risk of developing diabetes by a third.

10- Have breakfast

An energy-rich breakfast can control dangerous blood sugar spikes throughout the day by eating more calories for breakfast. When the glucose response to food is at its lowest, glucose levels drop dramatically throughout the day.


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