10 Symptoms You May Not Know About .. Be careful not to ignore them


9:00 am

Tuesday 10 November 2020

I wrote – Shaima Morsi

Our body tells us some signs and signs that indicate that something is wrong, so the health symptoms that appear should not be ignored and it is necessary to know them, according to what is stated on the “Eathis” site, which are the following:

1- Keep forgetting people’s names:

Keeping forgetting people’s names indicates hypothyroidism, so if these symptoms occur, it’s time to get blood tests, check thyroid hormone levels, and prescribe appropriate medications.

2- Excessive sweating:

You can sweat in a stressful office meeting or during strenuous exercise, in which case sweating is completely normal.

But if you find yourself sweating in unnecessary situations or appearing suddenly and intensely, you may have primary focal hyperhidrosis, a genetic disorder that causes excessive sweating in the feet, hands, face and armpits, and this can be treated with drugs.

3- Having small red or white spots under the nails:

These little red lines or dots under the nails are called “splinter hemorrhage,” so if you think they have appeared for no reason, it could be a sign of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease that causes blood clotting, joint pain and Menses. Irregular blood supply in your fingers and you may also suffer from nail psoriasis, a disorder that causes excess skin cells to accumulate on the nails.

4- Your skin looks pale:

If you notice that your skin is lighter than usual, it could be a sign of decreased blood flow throughout the body.

Lighter skin tone can also mean that the production of red blood cells in the body has decreased significantly and if this lighter skin pigment is accompanied by unexplained weakness or fatigue, then you may be anemic which means your blood have a problem carrying enough oxygen to your body.

5- Changes to your writing style:

If you notice your words seem busier or much smaller than when you type them normally, it could be an early warning sign of Parkinson’s disease.

6- Excessive urination:

Most people urinate six to seven times in 24 hours, but if you find that the number of times you urinate has increased for no reason, it could be a sign of bladder or kidney problems.

7- You have frequent heartburn:

Heartburn is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the throat or chest due to stomach acid and can be caused by consuming spoiled or spicy foods or consuming alcohol.

And obese people tend to feel heartburn more frequently, as do smokers.

8- Having a rash on the cheeks:

If you notice a red, butterfly-shaped rash on your cheeks and can’t figure out the cause, it could be a sign of something more serious, lupus erythematosus.

9) You are always thirsty.

Thirst is the first sign of dehydration which can lead to headaches, dizziness, and other unpleasant symptoms.

So if you notice that you are feeling much thirsty than before, it is related to changes in your diet or exercise routine, such as increasing exercise or changing the weather or eating more salty foods than usual, can make you thirsty.

10- Cough that doesn’t stop:

If you have a persistent cough that lasts for several weeks, this is a cause for concern and if you are a smoker, you may have a smoky cough that can be cured by giving up this unhealthy habit.

If not, your cough could be a symptom of a serious illness, such as lung cancer, lung infection, or whooping cough.


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