10 hidden health risks to lose weight fast … know them


Some people think that following systems and methods that contribute to rapid weight loss are a good thing, and what many overlook is that this carries many health risks that sports nutrition specialist Moataz Al-Qabai has talked about, according to Sada Al-Balad.

The doctor explained that many girls and young men are fooled by following diets that count kilograms over a certain period and commercial advertisements that promise them to lose weight in a short time.

When it comes to quick weight loss methods, many people make unhealthy choices and go on useless diets, including:

1- Surgical interventions, including conversion procedures, sleeve gastrectomy and liposuction.

2- Weight loss and fat burning drugs.

3- Strict dietary regimes, such as chemical regimes, keto and water-based diets.

The doctor pointed out that although all of the above systems have effective results for effective weight loss, they all leave the body with heavy losses and cause serious health risks that are difficult to resolve later on.

1- sagging skin.

2- Rapid loss of visceral fat can lead to serious health problems such as kidney failure.

3- Anemia due to the lack of important nutrients in strict diets.

4- Health problems due to the use of fat burners, especially those that contain a high percentage of caffeine, such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.

5- Infection with psychological and neurological diseases such as depression, as a result of the use of fat burners, which act on the satiety centers of the brain and block appetite.

6- Infection due to the use of hormones for weight loss.

7 – Colon and stomach cancer infection due to the use of slimming tea, which acts on chronic lesions and diarrhea, as well as loss of important vitamins and nutrients.

8- Infection with deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A & D & E & K due to the use of fat burners that work to reduce the fat consumed during the meal.

9- The incidence of osteoporosis and premature aging due to slimming surgery.

10- Giving back the lost weight after stopping the diet due to deprivation, consequently there is a binge of prohibited foods and an increase of many times the weight lost.

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