10 foods men should make sure they eat


To stay healthy, you need to eat healthy food, which includes more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. This may seem appropriate to almost everyone, but there are some subtle differences between healthy diets for men and women, even though we share 98.5% of our DNA.

According to Onhealth, certain foods can play an important health role in a man’s diet, especially with prostate problems, wasting problems and muscle building.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a healthy diet for men includes at least two cups of fruit, two and a half cups of vegetables and at least 38 grams of fiber every day, as well as eating whole-grain bread and what not Less than two or three servings of fish per week, as well as trans fats such as oils and nuts.

With an emphasis on consuming high-fiber foods, which help control hunger and ward off certain cancers such as prostate and colon.

Therefore, following a nutrient-rich diet is the easiest way for men to check their health, as you need to make sure you are eating certain foods regularly, which are recommended by experts as follows:

Red meat

On average, men eat more protein than women and there is no harm in that, as protein is a better choice than carbohydrates and the body consumes more calories in burning protein, as well as helping to build and maintain muscle mass. But it is necessary to eat red meat that is free of fat and is not consumed daily.

Protein helps build and maintain muscle mass (DPA)


Oysters are a low-fat, low-calorie and high-protein food, and is a useful food for anyone, because it helps to increase immunity and repair cells, but men can benefit more thanks to the zinc they need to sperm production.

Oysters are one of the best natural sources of zinc, which also acts to increase the hormone testosterone, as zinc deficiency increases the chances of infection or enlarged prostate as well as the risk of prostate cancer.

Fatty fish

According to the Healthline website, eating fatty fish such as salmon and sardines helps the body obtain omega-3 fatty acids which reduce the risk of heart disease.

It is true that omega-3 fats can be obtained from other sources, but for men, fish is the safest bet, because plant sources, such as those found in canola oil and flaxseed oil , have been linked in some studies to a higher risk of prostate cancer.

Fish is the safest bet for getting omega-3 fats (DPA)


If your muscles hurt after a workout or your back hurts when you wake up in the morning, you may need to add ginger to your food. Like ibuprofen, ginger is anti-inflammatory, as it reduces swelling and has a pain relieving effect. It is also being studied as a potential weapon against prostate cancer.


Cherry is useful for people with gout, which affects more men than women. One study showed that if you’ve ever had a gout attack, the chances of it coming back are halved if you eat 10 cherries a day. Cherry also helps relieve muscle pain and inflammation.

Yogurt and milk

Dairy products help build muscle, but be careful not to consume too much. Men need less dairy than women because consuming more calcium can be harmful to them.A study of over 29,000 men in Finland showed that those who consumed more than 2,000 milligrams of calcium per day were more likely to develop cancer. . Advanced prostate.


Avocados are high in fat, like nuts and olive oil, and help raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. It also contains many antioxidants, which help reduce cell damage, especially in the dark green part of the meat near the rind. However, don’t over-consume avocados, as they are high in calories.

Avocados help raise good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol (Deutsche Welle)


Tomatoes are rich in an antioxidant called lycopene. Studies have shown that eating lycopene-rich foods in the diet makes men less likely to develop prostate cancer. Lycopene has other benefits, as it is an antioxidant that has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.

Various vegetables

Vegetables are among the healthiest things you can eat. But relying on a vegetable or two will deprive you of some of the best benefits of these foods.Vegetables of different colors contain different phytochemicals, so eat a variety of vegetables in different colors for optimal health.

a cup of coffee

Coffee is now considered a healthy food, so drinking coffee in moderation helps reduce the risk of premature death and reduce the risk of gout, liver cirrhosis and diabetes.

However, attention must be paid to the need to contain these foods in the diet of men also for their importance, such as pomegranate, berries, almonds, pistachios, bananas, dark chocolate, liver, eggs and beans.


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