10 benefits of drinking cinnamon on an empty stomach … the most important of which is weight loss


Cinnamon drink is one of the best drinks on an empty stomach because it has many benefits and advantages. Cinnamon drink is prepared by boiling cinnamon sticks in water and then dipping it to infuse the drink with its sweet and fragrant flavor, and some people may add other ingredients to it, such as: ginger, honey or milk.
1_ Cinnamon is one of the spices richest in antioxidants, especially polyphenols, useful compounds that help maintain health and protect against disease, because it increases the body’s ability to resist free radicals, molecules that damage the body’s cells and contribute to some diseases such as: Diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

2. Drinking cinnamon every day has great benefits for heart health, as cinnamon has been shown to reduce a number of risk factors that can cause heart disease. It helps reduce the levels of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides and can also increase the levels of beneficial cholesterol, which helps prevent the accumulation of arterial cholesterol overflow.

3. Reduces Inflammation Although inflammation is important in helping the body fight infections and repair damaged tissue, it can become a problem when it is chronic and attacks the body’s tissues, causing certain diseases.

4. Cinnamon drink fights bacteria and fungi and prevents their growth, it can also reduce bad breath and prevent tooth decay.

5. Relieves menstrual cramps and helps reduce heavy menstrual bleeding, as well as reduce the intensity of nausea and vomiting during it.

6. Reduces blood sugar levels, as some research has shown that its method of action is similar to insulin in the body, as it is the hormone responsible for transporting sugar from the blood to the tissues and can increase the effectiveness of the insulin in the body and prevent insulin resistance.

7_ Cinnamon reduces fasting blood sugar by up to 29% in patients with type 2 diabetes.
8. _ Helps to lose weight by drinking it daily.

9_. By protecting nerve cells in the brain and improving some of its functions in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s patients, however, human research is still needed to confirm the findings.

10- Helps prevent cancer.

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Dietitian: Cinnamon and garlic reduce the need for sugar


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