Will be the year 2019 Finally we see a better Blockchain UX? – Blockchain news today

ICICI Indian Bank unveils the Blockchain transaction system, which is the name of 250 large companies

Some of the cryptographic services we receive now are OK while
some are terrible This is the state of
UX business with Blockchain at the moment. Although the lack of a high-level UX was obvious, it did not really
critical state. While we all wish the bears' sentiment passed, it must be said that until the sector is ready
better user experience as a priority, things
It will always be the same. 2019 could be the year when big things start
to happen.

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The legacy of the sector

Despite the fact
It's been a decade since Blockchain came on the scene, UX has still been
poor. To understand this situation, we must not forget that the sector is built
more recently by engineers and some financial managers. And that is why
for obvious reasons, getting a better UX was not a priority. L & # 39; Start
years of technology concerned the construction of infrastructure and the expression of ideas
which led to the expansion of
cryptocurrencies over a decade.

2019 will be the year for Better UX

2019 will start a
important change in the way products will be executed and offered to users. The
the following areas will be improved on:

How speed will improve: In 2019, we'll see
technologies that will allow faster payment times, rapid settlements and
increase in boarding processes. Speed ​​is probably one of the most important elements
of what good user experience means. There can not be a slow future
technologies. The reason for this is because faster chains and side chains,
faster KYC processes (especially with the portable KYC) and faster consent
will remove the problem of frustration, leaving room for a better user experience.

The role of people: People produce products. The
the digital token industry has been attracted
some of the rarer individuals with one
set of skills (including product managers and designers), which should not be overlooked as customers defend themselves in an organization. These
it will bring elegance and rationality into an industry of which there is a profound need
both benefits. In 2018 we saw a more diverse population flowing into space including women. This definitely
bring a new dimension on how the products will be imagined, well explained
and properly delivered.

Best use cases: In addition to remittances e
speculation in weak economies, the crypto sector did not actually find the ideal use case that can force more users
adopting the basic technology. And unless there is another serious financial incident (which could push Crypto to become an alternative means of exchange
goods and services), new cases of use with sufficiently pragmatic approaches will do so
appear more obvious to users.

The role of the first mobile policy

The cryptocurrency sector was a desktop-first sector
until now. The first cell phone does not really have
critical status until now. It is inconceivable to suggest that the next will
stay that way when it is clear that most of the most important computer devices are all mobile
friendly. Developers are now more focused on creating apps that they are
mobile-first or only for mobile devices. App stores now have a number of better rules
clarify what you can actually do
protect users from fraud. Mobile devices and the operating system now have
better design security systems and 2FA integrated to make the process seamless.

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