Whatsapp has been updated and brought with it not only customization and colorful backgrounds for each conversation, but also a new sticker or sticker finder, the same ones that will be divided into categories. Do you already have it? How active? Here we teach you.
While Whatsapp is already in version, the beta version of the application has several new features including the new way to find a sticker, including animated ones or ones you uploaded yourself.
MORE INFORMATION: Then you can get the new WhatsApp Christmas emojis TODAY
This is found as long as you update the application from Google Play OR iOS Store, in addition to being a beta user, that vacancies are currently closed.
How to do it? Well, these are the steps you can take right now and check if it works Whatsapp:
- First enter Whatsapp. Check if you already have the version for Android
- So go to any conversation, it can be your friend, partner, co-worker, family member, among others.
- Then click on the happy face.
- There you have to go to the stickers button.
- When you do, press the magnifying glass and a new window will appear.
- You will see there a variety of categories where you can find your favorite sticker depending on your mood.
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