We are playing the long game: & # 39; New York abides by the plan to open Blockchain Center


New York is engaging with plans to open a center for cryptographic and blockchain technology. The so-called Blockchain Center, which opens at a difficult time for the prices of encrypted assets and companies on the market, is based in Manhattan and will collaborate with venture capital investors and other companies on blockchain initiatives, according to a Bloomberg News report. It opens on Thursday.

"We are playing the long game," said Ana Arino, head of the EDC strategy, in a telephone interview with Olga Kharif, the Bloomberg encryption watcher. "It's a nascent technology, so it's unavoidable uncertainty about this evolution from year to year, even if we do not know what the future holds, we want to make sure we have a place at the table to shape it".

New York City is funding the center with a one-time $ 100,000 investment. It is also financed through membership fees. He plans to offer programming lessons to the public, according to Bloomberg.

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