Unmissable vegan nutrition for the winter


Everyone knows that as winter progresses, our immune systems can use all the help they can get, especially now. Constantly switching from freezing outside temperatures to overly dry and heated homes can put a strain on our systems. While others around you may sniffle, there are some simple steps to staying healthy and avoiding seasonal flu. Making time for nutritious meals will nourish you on many levels, ensuring better digestion and absorption of nutrients. Consuming a varied, plant-based diet rich in fresh produce will provide you with greater energy and well-being in the short term, as well as protect you from chronic long-term health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Although a balanced vegan diet is essential for year-round vitality, relying solely on what you eat can leave nutrient levels slightly lacking. Even with the best of intentions, you may not get all the nutrients you need from food alone. Once processed foods, runaway eating, stress and environmental pollutants are taken into account, it is advisable to supplement with high quality vitamins. When it comes to supplements, if you can remember the alphabet, there’s a good chance you can keep your immune system in tip-top shape.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A is essential for proper immune function. It stimulates various immune processes, improving the function of white blood cells and increasing the antibody response.

C vitamin
Vitamin C helps fight bacteria and viruses and stimulates white blood cells to fight stress. According to the newspaper Advanced nutritional research, one to three grams of vitamin C per day is recommended for immune boosting.

Vitamin D
Protecting yourself with enough vitamin D helps maintain a constant T-cell population as part of the frontline immune defense system, while not having enough to depress the immune response has been shown.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E has a powerful effect on immune health, and diet alone rarely provides enough. Vitamin E also helps in the removal of toxins from the blood and can increase resistance to infections.

Iron is also essential for constant well-being. A depressed immune system can result from a 10% decrease in dietary iron.

Selenium stimulates the function of white blood cells and thymus, while low levels of selenium result in depressed immunity. Research suggests that we need to supplement normal dietary intake to achieve the immune-boosting effects of selenium.

Like vitamin C, zinc has antiviral properties. When zinc levels are low, the number of T cells decreases, thymic hormone levels are reduced, and white blood cell activities become less efficient. This is easily reversed when enough zinc is obtained.

Kiki Powers, MS, CNC, is a certified nutrition consultant specializing in 100% plant-based weight loss, health and fitness.

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