Top 7 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Books to read


The cryptocurrency market is currently swooping. Many people who enthusiastically excited the bandwagon towards the end of 2017 are now wondering if they have been scammed. All the talk that technology is crucial and vital to the future has apparently come out of the window. Many people have sold their holdings to a significant loss.

This is not the first bear market in the encrypted world – some consider this to be the third bear market, while some say it is 4th. What is certain is that this devaluation that we see on the market is not new.

Bear markets are part of every economic cycle. All markets go through periods when consumer confidence in the market's future is weak, causing prices to fall.

However, strong and powerful companies are said to be created in bear markets. Companies created in a bear market are usually strong enough to cross all the other stages of the business cycle. This is why people with experience in the rise and fall of cryptographic ecosystems advise projects that this is the time to build and develop.

Most of the people who entered cryptocurrency in 2017 were enthusiastic because they saw its growing trend as a way to earn more money in fiat.

While the long-term growth potential remains unchanged due to the basics of blockchainShort-term market action is based on the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies. For the crypto industry to be stronger after this bear market, it is necessary to build and develop the ecosystem fundamentally on all fronts.

But this can not be achieved when many people in the crypt do not really understand what they are invested with.

Several books have been written Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies that discuss in detail the potential of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. These are books that do not focus on short-term hype or FUD, but rather on the stable effect of this financial revolution and how the future might be.

This is the best time to learn about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies if you do not know much about the industry and you just bought to make money. These 7 books will help you understand Bitcoin, blockchain technology and the financial system that build in a way you've probably never done before.

Here are our recommended books, listed in a suggested order that could make a reading interesting.

Top 7 Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Books to read

1. Digital gold

This is the perfect book to start your adventure in understanding the fundamentals of the cryptography industry.

The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, created by an unknown person under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. While the name seems mysterious now, this book unveils Nakamoto's conversations with those involved with Bitcoin in the early days.

This book takes you to the beginnings of the creation of Bitcoin, to the events that emerged in the early days and to the conversations that started the blockchain revolution.

Perhaps you've heard of it Mt. Gox, Silk Road, or names like Charlie Shrem, Erik Voorhees, is Gavin Andresenbut you do not really know who they are or the roles they have played in the industry. This will make you fast so that whenever a historical event on the blockchain is mentioned, you will not be in the dark.

Digital gold It was written by Nathaniel Popper, a New York Times journalist who had access to conversations and communications that emerged in the creation and early development of Bitcoin.

This is an important book to read for any person genuinely interested in encrypting to understand the history of the industry. Definitely will define a renewed sense of appreciation for the effort and intuition that created Bitcoin and blockchain from nothing.

2. Blockchain Revolution

After understanding the history of Bitcoin and the players that led to the current level of adoption, it is important to understand the basic fundamentals of blockchain technology.

This book was written by renowned management and business strategist Don Tapscott and his son Alex, exploring the reality and future possibilities that blockchain technology has to offer.

This book addresses a few technical aspects of the explanations, providing examples and illustrations of how the blockchain technology works. He cites various projects currently under development in the blockchain world and shows the implications in the real world of some of the projects.

Blockchain Revolution is a book that explores the disruptive capabilities of blockchain technology. It shows that blockchain is not just about reinventing money, but about shaping the future of transactions.

3. Blockchain basics

After grasping the disruptive capacities of the blockchain and an analytical breakdown of how it works, there may still be some areas of confusion or areas where a simple explanation is required.

This book explains the basic technical details on how the blockchain works. No prior knowledge of programming is required because the book teaches in a non-technical way.

Basics on Blockchain it is a book that takes you into the conceptual details of the blockchain, using images, analogies and illustrations that make these concepts easy to understand. The book introduces blockchain into 25 steps, layer by layer, to bring a concise understanding to the reader.

With the information contained in these first 3 books, a reader is sure to graduate from novice or novice in the field of cryptography.

4. The Bitcoin standard

This is a case for Bitcoin from an economist's point of view.

Saifedean Ammous considers the history of money together with the different solutions that humanity has devised to carry out financial transactions. The contexts of economic growth, trade, culture and international peace are discussed.

So the author introduces the idea of ​​Bitcoin and how it meets the current challenge of the financial system. The argument here is that Bitcoin becomes a reserve of value instead of another currency. In words, it could be an alternative to gold and not just to the US dollar.

This perspective of Bitcoin is important, as it provides readers with a basic understanding of how money works, how the world has arrived where it is and how the future will likely be modeled with the advent of Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin standard reading in the Bitcoin community is required and there are many who firmly believe in the future projections explored in the book.

5. The machine of truth

This book focuses on the role of blockchain technology in guiding the world to the future. It does not focus on Bitcoin, but on the world perspective from the blockchain prism, particularly on the issue of privacy in today's world.

Blockchain as a system could solve the problem of dependence on large institutions to keep consumer data safe.

The machine of truth explain and expatriate the benefits of blockchain to society. These benefits range from data and privacy control, to financial inclusion without barriers and to the restoration of a healthy balance of power that is equally distributed throughout society.

The information in this book underlines the good that the blockchain has the potential to do, and it is already doing so.

6. Cryptoassets

After reading about ideological arguments and discourses, it is important to have some practical information on investments in cryptocurrency.

This book contains some basic views on cryptocurrencies that are very informative for an investor in the industry. While big moves and wild price fluctuations are common events, influenced by rumors and breaking news, some information is critical to making informed investment decisions in the encrypted space.

Cryptoassets focuses on the long-term investment approach and puts the reader aware of the different aspects that make a successful encrypted project.

Emphasize the principles like dollar average and how they can be applied to cryptocurrencies. It also explores the impact of regulations, volatility, utility, speculation and more, as well as talking about ICOs and other investment methods.

7. Master Bitcoin

This is the last of this list, but certainly not the least. Master Bitcoin is one of the most important books on Bitcoin.

The reason why it's last on this list is because it's for programmers and developers – this is a book that plunges into the technical details of blockchain programming. While people who are not familiar with programming will probably not understand many things in the book, it's still worth reading.

Master Bitcoin it is not limited to expressing the current status of the network, architecture and Bitcoin protocol, but also to express knowledge on new developments such as Lightning network.

The book was written by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, which is a well-known figure in the blockchain community. His speeches and his thoughts have shaped blockchain technology and influenced the community in many ways.


Bitcoin is cryptocurrencies I'm here to stay. While today the cryptography market is mainly affected by speculation, the fundamentals remain strong and the potential is evident for everyone to see.

The books listed here will allay any speculative fear based on the events going on around the crypto and will keep you focused on what really matters in the long run.

The blockchain revolution will not take place from one day to another; there will be bulls and bears, but if you arm yourself with knowledge, you will not fall prey to circumstantial events.

For more educational resources, check "About Cryptocurrency: 23 Essential reading from basics to coding".

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