This week the stock market brought in gold, dollars and euros


Shares traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange gained an average of 7.15% on a weekly basis, the price per gram of gold increased by 6.21%, 2.23%, 3.91%.

The BIST 100 index, after seeing the low of 1,117.05 points and the high of 1,192.24 points, completed the week at 1,191.96 points, up 7.15% from the previous week’s close.

The selling price of 24-karat gold bars, which is traded at the Grand Bazaar, rose to 538.70 pounds a 6.21% gain this week, and the Republic’s gold selling price went up to 3,570.00 lire with an increase of 6.19%. The selling price of the gold quarter, which last week was 821.00 lire, rose to 872.00 lire.

This week, the US dollar gained 2.23% to Lire 8.5660 and the Euro rose 3.91% to Lire 10.1750.

Mutual funds gained 2.11% this week and private pension funds gained 2.64%. In terms of categories, among mutual funds, equity funds were the most profitable with 6.65%.

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