The US Center for Disease Control confirms the need to wear a muzzle inside the home


US Center for Disease Control and Prevention ConfirmedCenter for Disease Prevention and Control“The need to wear masks to control the spread of the Corona virus, and this includes wearing them at home at times in some cases, such as infection of a family member or exposure to a person with corona, according to the siteCNNAmerican.


و .وضح Center for Disease Prevention and Control The use of a mask, physical distancing, avoiding gatherings and washing hands, all can help control the spread of the virus and allow children to return to school and reopen activities.

He added, in his guidelines, “Consistent and correct use of face masks is an important public health strategy for reducing respiratory transmission of Corona, especially in light of estimates that nearly half of new infections are transmitted by people without symptoms “.

Henry Walk and colleagues Margaret Hunen of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention wrote, “Overwhelming evidence now supports the benefits of face masks made from source control (to protect others) and to a lesser extent to protect those who do. is wearing”.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team said (Center for Disease Prevention and Control), “The masks work so well that some communities should consider giving them away for free.”

“A community-wide plan should be put in place to distribute face masks to specific population groups, such as those who may encounter obstacles to accessing them,” the CDC team wrote in the agency’s weekly report.

They added: “Since the greatest risks of transmission between family contacts of Corona patients have been documented, maintaining family safety requires physical removal, using other public health strategies summarized here, and in particular, consistent use and correcting face masks (outside the home) in the family and in some cases (conditions inside the home) to prevent the introduction and transmission of the Coronavirus.

The team added, “to maintain stock of fans”. N95 For health care workers and other medical rescuers, the CDC recommends non-etched multilayer fabric masks or non-medical disposable masks for community use. “

Inside, face masks should be used when a family member has been infected or has recently been exposed to the crown. “

“Although it is difficult to separate the effect of physical distancing from other interventions, one study estimated that physical distancing reduced the average number of daily contacts by up to 74%,” they added.

The CDC said consistent physical distance can stop the spread.

Team Notice Center for Disease Prevention and Control Crowded restaurants and events are particularly risky, and they write that “unnecessary indoor exposure and crowded outdoor spaces pose a preventable risk for all attendees.”

“Indoor places, where distances are not maintained and the consistent use of face masks is not possible (for example, eating in a restaurant), have been identified as particularly high-risk scenarios.”

Crowded outdoor events have also been linked to the spread of Corona, although it can be difficult to isolate the impact of crowded outdoor events from related internal social interactions.


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