The Trump base has largely backed up his fraud claims: political analyst


TEHRAN – A Lebanese political expert says Donald Trump’s base broadly supported his claims of election fraud, “but his effort to convince more mainstream Republicans that the elections were stolen took a hit when Fox News, the network cable conservative who supported his presidency, ”declared his rival Joe Biden the winner.

“Some Republicans have criticized Trump for making what they have called ‘baseless allegations’ of voter fraud,” Marwa Osman told the Tehran Times.

The following is the text of the interview:

Q: How do you see the fate of Trump’s refusal to accept Biden’s victory in the presidential election?

A: Donald Trump shocked no one when he refused to accept the US election result, especially because he accused the media running the Joe Biden race of collusion with the elected president who is trying to steal the White House. The man even declared that “this election is far from over”.

“Trump is definitely ready to leave a legacy of chaos with his big last minute decisions, one of which is the foreign policy move.” Trump’s base broadly backed up his fraud claims, but his effort to convince more mainstream Republicans that the election was stolen took a hit when Fox News, the conservative cable network that backed his presidency, took a hit when Fox News, the conservative cable network that backed his presidency, also called the ride for Joe Biden. Meanwhile, some Republicans have criticized Trump for making what they have called “baseless allegations” about voter fraud; party leaders are in a difficult position because they know the president maintains tremendous support among the party base. Keep in mind that Trump received 70 million votes, over 7 million more than his final tally four years ago. Trump said his campaign has begun pursuing his case in court to ensure election laws are fully respected. The rightful winner is actually sitting, especially in the undecided swing states. In any case, Trump is hoping for greater success in Pennsylvania, where he has objected to a move by the state to accept ballot papers in the mail up to three days after the election. However, in Pennsylvania, election officials said the number of votes that arrived after election day wasn’t enough to skew the outcome, meaning Trump has no legal ability to alter the election results.

Q: What is Trump’s legacy for America and the international community?

A: The man is definitely ready to leave a legacy of chaos with his big last-minute decisions, one of which is the foreign policy move. The abrupt dismissal of U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper and reported plans for multiple layers of new sanctions against Iran have made it clear that Donald Trump’s last ten weeks in office could still prove to be a very bumpy journey for the rest of the country. world. Trump is trying to show that he is still responsible for foreign and defense policy, fueling fears about the impact a vengeful president could have on the US role on the world stage in the next ten weeks of transition. In recent months, the Trump administration’s strategy has been to increase pressure on Iran to provoke a response from Tehran, which would make it harder for the incoming administration to salvage the 2015 nuclear deal. Trump may even go so far as to formally withdraw from the New Start Treaty with Russia, which limits both states’ nuclear arsenals and will expire in February, or seek to remove US signature from the Total Test Ban Treaty, which the US signed but remains not ratified by the Senate. An incoming Biden administration could reverse these acts, but the whiplash effect would add confusion over Washington’s position and undermine confidence around the world that the US will abide by the agreements it signs.

Q: Can it be said that Trump is an exception in American history? Or does it represent true American values?

Donald Trump branded the whistleblower, who first revealed reports of his attempt to shake Ukraine to unearth a political opponent, along with a list of institutions vilified by Donald Trump, which includes: intelligence agencies that once he accused of using Nazi-like tactics, the media, the foreign service, the military, and the Federal Reserve. So yes, it is an exception in this regard, especially when it has undertaken vitriolic and systematic attacks to undermine such government institutions. As for American values, win or lose, Trump was the mirror of America, and his so-called values ​​were necessary. It lacks transparency and demonizes any institution or person it disagrees with. He regularly sports undemocratic values ​​and his narcissism apparently knows no bounds. This is America for the rest of the world.

Q: Do you expect a fundamental change in US policies under Biden’s administration?

A: Biden makes no secret of how quickly he intends to bury “America First” as the guiding principle of the nation’s foreign policy. He says he will come under the Iranian nuclear deal, assuming the Iranians are willing to reverse course and observe its limits and that he would sign the only nuclear weapons treaty with Russia for another five years and double American commitments to NATO after four years of threats from President Trump to withdraw from the alliance. However, Biden has said many times that he would force Russia to “pay the price” for what he believes were interruptions and attempts to influence elections, including his own.

Q: Do you expect a change in the US attitude towards Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia?
A: Biden is expected to continue the US withdrawal from the region, even more so since he advocated a return to a more conventional foreign policy that is likely to play second fiddle to domestic emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic and a kneeling American economy. . However, I believe Biden will make his presence felt in the Middle East (West Asia). Biden’s strategy for the wider Middle East (West Asia) region remains unclear; however, many observers conclude that Biden will proceed with the US withdrawal that began under President Barrack Obama and reached its peak under Trump. Moreover, Biden has also vehemently opposed pro-Palestinian initiatives within his party. Biden’s reaction to the UAE-Israel deal also showed his support for Israel. He called the deal a “historic turning point” and promised to get more countries in the region to sign similar deals. What sets Biden apart is his promise to reverse Trump’s withdrawal of economic and humanitarian assistance from the Palestinians and his attempt to reopen the Palestine Liberation Organization’s mission in Washington, as well as the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem. for Palestinian affairs. However, Biden’s Israeli policy is likely to be a continuation, as experts argue it could sum up Biden’s future Middle East policy in general. As for Yemen, I don’t think the country will be part of discussions and aspirations that would drastically change the current situation.


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