The punishment for the murderer of the actor, the niece of Morgan Freeman, was announced


The man who massacred E & # 39; Dena Hines, the niece of the famous American actor Morgan Freeman in August 2015, was sentenced to 20 years in prison, according to the Associated Press.

Picture of the article The announcement of the punishment for the murders of the niece of the actor Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman's killer nephew announced (Photo: Hepta)

In August 2015, E & # 39; Dena Hines was stabbed several times on a street in New York from her boyfriend, Lamar Davenport, under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Davenport was found on the crime scene, detained by the police and taken to the hospital for psychiatric evaluation. This would kill his girlfriend in an exorcism ritual and would even be heard crying: "Come out, devils! In the name of Jesus Christ, I throw you out!"

And "Dena Hines, whose grandmother was Jeanette Adair Bradshaw, the first wife of actor Morgan Freeman, was 33 years old.

Davenport, 33, apologized for Thursday's hearing, finding out what his punishment is, saying he does not remember what happened then.

Davenport was found guilty of murder in May 2018.

And & # 39; Dena Hines was an actress and appeared in one of Morgan Freeman's "5 Flights Up" movies.

In 2012, speculation emerged from the fact that Morgan Freeman was involved in a love affair with E & # 39; Dena Hines, but at that time the eighty-three-year-old actor denied these rumors.

After learning of her death, Oscar winner Freeman in 2005 for her role in Clint Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby, released a statement to the press: "The world will never know how much friends and the family were lucky enough because they knew what he meant as a human being, and his star would continue to shine in our hearts, thoughts and prayers – peace. "

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