The Peruvian prosecutor opens an investigation into Merino for death of demonstrators


The national prosecutor, Zoraida Ávalos, assured that the death of the demonstrators in Peru “will not go unpunished”.


The Peruvian Prosecutor’s Office opened a preliminary investigation on Monday, November 16, against the outgoing president Manuel Merino, number two of his fleeting government and his interior minister for their alleged responsibility in the death of two demonstrators.

This preliminary investigation for “abuse of authority and intentional homicide” is directed against Merino; his chief of staff, Ántero Flores Aráoz, and his interior minister, Gastón Rodríguez, in the deaths of two protesters on Saturday apparently due to shots fired by the police, said national prosecutor, Zoraida Ávalos, who promised that these events “will not go unpunished”.

The case, opened a day after Merino’s resignation, could also concern other alleged perpetrators and not only for the deaths of Inti Sotelo (24 years old) and Jack Pintado (22), but also for the “seriously injured” of dozens. of other protesters, the prosecutor said.

He specified that the investigation also includes possible cases of “forced disappearance”, because there are nine demonstrators whose fate has been unknown since Saturday. Initially there were more than 40, but the rest appeared on Sunday 15 November.

Peru is in uncertainty this Monday without a president or head of Congress as the Constitutional Court prepares to deliver a belated ruling on an appeal from ousted President Martín Vizcarra that could generate new controversies.

The Peruvian Congress will meet on Monday afternoon to try to choose a new president to replace Merino, a week after removing Vizcarra for “moral incapacity” and unleashing the worst political crisis in the country in two decades.

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