The main developer of Ethereum says that the Rinkeby Testke fork was a clean and successful division


Ethereum Lead-Developer-says-Rinkeby-Testnet-Fork-Was-a-successful-Clean-Split

At the beginning of this week, BitcoinExhangeGuide presented the story of the main developer Ethereum Péter Szilágyi who announced the program for the Rinkeby Testfest hardfork event. Earlier today, he proclaimed that the event was successful.

Developers and enthusiasts who explore the Rinkeby testnet will have to update their clients to Geth 1.8.20 or later. Due to the updating of Constantinople, the other versions will be rendered incompatible. As such, it is essential to avoid potential problems.

In particular, Rinkeby is one of the three Ethereum Testnets. The other two are Ropsten and Kovan. Rinkeby is a Proof-of-Authority network, so it uses a different consent mechanism on the main network. The Ropsten testnet is Proof-of-Work, therefore more similar to the public main network. However, unlike Ropten, Rinkeby does not work on miners.

Testnet's successful test was critical to the upcoming Ethereum hard fork, which was very anticipated by the crypto community. A consensus bug found in the Parity implementation of Ethereum and the lack of miners led to the failure of Ropsten Testnet. This led people to believe that Ethereum's hardfork would be delayed.

Although when asked what's wrong with the difficulty, Szilágyi gave a passive-aggressive response. He said:

"Nothing, this is a PoA testnet chain based on the Clique engine.The blocking difficulties are 1 or 2 depending on some orders, so the total differences are relatively small.Ah, the difficulty table? Some javascript addiction has ruined something and I can not be bothered to solve it.We would gladly accept a PR, although if the new etstats server is working, it may not be worth it to fix the old one. "

People were not too happy with the answer and asked him to fix it. They said that saying "I can not be bothered" does not seem professional. Although there have been others who have supported the developer by saying that if people want change, they should do it themselves.

The commitment of Constantinople is scheduled for January 16, 2019, on block no. 7080000.

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