The last best-selling album by Tamer Hosny in the Arab world


The last best-selling album by Tamer Hosny in the Arab world

You-Tube: Tamer Hosny

The album "Aish Beshoukak" by the Egyptian singer Tamer Hosni recorded the most successful album among Arab stars in 2018, while Hosni Hosni thanked the Arab public.

In addition, Tamer Hosny's last album recorded a record-breaking record of over a quarter of a million, becoming the first album in Egypt and the Arab world this year.

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Thank you for your great efforts .. I would like to thank all the respectable fans who listened to the album and arrived in just 4 months which is reaching a quarter of a billion views on YouTube, to be the highest album seen on YouTube and the best-selling in Egypt and the Arab world. "

He continued: "Farhan was happy with the whole album for the shoot, it was the first production of my company and has reached the highest points of view and sales in my artistic history. Thank God, fatigue is not one waste of spirit, and our Lord succeeds all of us, but works all the time alone and develops ".

Source: Twitter

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