The full version of the Stratis node allows the development of Blockchain with C # and .NET


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Stratis, a corporate blockchain company, has announced the production version of its C # Full Node software. In a post published December 12, 2018, Stratis explained that the software codebase is based on Microsoft's .NET Core architecture and written in the C # programming language. The company believes that the migration to a C # based implementation will not only improve the performance of the underlying blockchain, but will also provide greater familiarity to third-party developers.

Smart contracts with C #

The release of the C # based Full Node marks a significant development milestone for the Stratis development team. In particular it will replace StratisX, a complete temporary node that has been used by the platform since its initial offer of coins in 2016. While StratisX has allowed the company to develop a decentralized cryptocurrency with the STRAT ticker, the new C # Full Node will act as a software development kit (SDK).

For those who do not know, Stratis aims to simplify the adoption of blockchain technology by offering companies the opportunity to create smart contracts in addition to the existing Stratis framework. Since the entire platform is now built using the C # programming language and the .NET framework, most developers do not have to learn new skills for blockchain development. According to a survey conducted by Stack Overflow in 2018, over one third of all professional developers are already using the language.

The familiarity Stratis intends to offer is in stark contrast to the existing blockchain platforms that often have their native programming languages. For example, Ethereum uses Solidity, a contract-oriented language that is influenced by C ++, Python, and JavaScript.

Safe, but flexible

Third-party developers can use the Stratis C # full node to create new contracts and smart sidechains on top of the existing platform infrastructure. Another key advantage is that node operators can now act as peers on the Stratis or Bitcoin blockchains. This is because the Stratis protocol is similar to that used by Bitcoin and the Full Node software is a C # port of Bitcoin Core. Support for other cryptocurrencies can be added with further development efforts, if needed for a specific application.

The Full Node also supports multiple consent mechanisms, namely Proof-of-Stake, Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Authority. Node owners can naturally configure their installations to choose the appropriate algorithm. The developers, on the other hand, have the flexibility to choose any of the mechanisms and even to customize the consent rules according to the requirements of their project.

The complete Stratis C # node is completely open source, with the code available in a GitHub repository. Given the close relationship of the software with the Microsoft technology stack, however, a new node can be immediately deployed on the Azure Cloud platform through the Azure Marketplace. In particular, Stratis recently announced that the company is now a certified Microsoft partner.

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