The exclusivity of Electroneum (ETN)


Electroneum (ETN) has its pros and cons, but it is so difficult to lose even in the face of the constant drama of the cryptocurrency market.

Electroneum has been considered one of the few coins that has noticed being able to reacquire and maintain its position while the price war rages in the encrypted market. While analysts, traders and investors find it difficult to find a reason for this war and how to recover their holdings, Electroneum is rapidly entering into the most important discussions.

Clearly, his debut in 2017 created a chain of reactions between the various classes in the crypto space, with the supporters who identified different pros of the currency and the opponents who take the upward movement in the price of money as a reason for the collapse of prices in the market.

Since it is initially forked by Monero, it may be tempting to group features together. But as far as innovative projects are concerned, Electroneum is on a path different from that of Monero and is making rapid jumps in front of the encrypted investors. Here because.

Non-consecutive movement

One of the main positive points that could refine this currency to aspiring investors remains its focus on mobility and on that segment of the world's population that wastes time. The fact that most of the world's population has mobile phones has been a target of the currency development team.

While cell phones seem to be a common entity shared by the world population, however, it is not the same with banks. The fact that part of the world chooses to remain without a bust is an advantage in this currency.


A point considered with this coin is the idea of ​​mass movement. Moreover, the fact that the extraction in most of the altcoins requires a lot of power hash, hash rate and specialized computers has been established. With this coin, the extraction is easy for anyone with a cell phone to do it.

All potential miners' needs are the installation of an app and the user could accumulate small amounts of tokens on a daily basis.

Reliable payment system

It has already been established that the facilitation of payment methods and alternative transactions in a digital world is perhaps the most important reason for integrating altcoins.

With the immediate payment system an integral part of the ETN network, not only payment and transaction rates are faster but more reliable and free. The ETN system offers a way for customers with remittance systems with different service providers who use the money to transfer the Electroneum app.

Entry into larger circles

One of the latest trends in cryptographic space is the addition of ETNs to the HitBTC cryptography exchange platform. As such, the possibility of mass adoption is expanded. It is also noteworthy that the currency has also been moved to the commercial area of ​​KuCoin Plus.

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