the deadly Chapare virus, close to Ebola, worries scientists


The risk of a new epidemic? A virus considered to be emerging has made its return, having first appeared in 2004 in Bolivia, in the region that gave it its name. The “Chapare” would infect different people in a hospital in La Paz, in the west of the country: the victims were treated for a hemorrhagic fever. These patients in turn infected five people, including a medical intern, an ambulance driver, and a hospital gastroenterologist. A contagion that has already made three victims.

Scientists have warned of the danger of this emerging infectious disease, whose symptoms are similar to those of Ebola. During a tropical medicine convention, which was held November 15-19, teams from the Center for Disease Control (a U.S. government agency) shared the results of their research on human-to-human transmission.

Researchers are concerned the spread of this virus “still very little described”, he indicates Western Franceand they are working on diagnostic tests. The disease, in fact, still little known, can be easily confused with other infections. So far, their data report contamination accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and bleeding gums.

According to initial observations, Chapare’s transmission takes place from biological fluids (blood, urine, saliva, sperm), but, according to Futura Sciences, all modes of propagation “still remain mysterious”. For the moment, no specific treatment can combat this virus.

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