The cargo plane crashes in Tehran: 15 dead


Fifteen people traveling on a cargo plane in Iran were killed on Monday when the plane crashed and burned near Tehran on Monday, the army said in a statement.

The Fars news agency, considered close to the military, stated that there were 16 people on board and that only the mechanic survived.

"A Boeing 707 cargo ship carrying meat from Biskek to Kyrgyzstan had to make an emergency landing at the Fath airport in northwest Tehran, the army said in a statement posted on its website.

"The plane had 16 passengers on board, including 14 soldiers and two civilians, 15 died and one person, the mechanic, was wounded and hospitalized," army spokesman Amir Taghikhani told the state television.

The device "came out of the track and caught fire after hitting a wall at the end of the track," the army said.

Photos taken from the AFP show the remains of the fuselage of the burned Iranian air force.

According to local media reports, the plane hit an empty building after the pilot misjudged the runway while attempting to land at Fath airport in the Alborz province, east of Tehran.

Investigators have found the black box of the plane, with which they will be able to provide more details about the accident, explained the governor of Alborz, Azizollah Shahbazi, to the Tasnim news agency.

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