The 3 major differences in Bitcoin and Ethereum that all Crypto investors should know


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<h2>  Three differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum </h2>
<p>  Bitcoin and Ethereum stands as two of the most valuable cryptocurrencies in the encrypted market, their market capitalization is $ 120,570,137,286 and $ 29,214,512.873 respectively. <strong> Bitcoin </strong> currently has one of the largest money markets since its inception, while Ethereum provided with a strong </p>
<p>  Everyone is part of a decentralized network and is free from control by a centralized entity. Also, each of them has similar characteristics, including anonymous transactions. </p>
<p>  D & # 39 On the other hand, some initial differences between the two For example, <strong> Ethereum </strong> is more than just a digital currency, also supported by a system based on blockchain.Ethereum also includes an Ethereum virtual machine, intellige counters and peer-to-peer contracts. alternatively, Bitcoin has lower transaction fees, no physical bitcoins <em> </em> but simply balances associated with a private key. </p>
<p>  Although both coins are handled by cryptographic principles and distributed ledger, there are three main differences between them, including: </p>
<h3>  Purpose of the coin </h3>
<p style= First, both coins were created with different goals. Bitcoin is designed to replace the fiat currency and, as a result, is used as a method of payment and as a deposit of value. Ethereum is a platform created to promote peer-to-peer contracts and its main goal is to help developers create and execute distributed applications.

  • Currency Cap

    Bitcoin has a limited currency limit of 21 million bitcoins and that number, 17 million have been created. Ethereum does not have a strong currency limit, although there seem to be plans to stop or reduce the issue in the coming years.

  • Block Creation

    Creating Bitcoin blocks takes 10 minutes, while an Ethereum block is created every 15 seconds – although the goal is to get that number up to 12 seconds. Ethereum seems to have the upper hand because faster building blocks leads to faster confirmation rates.

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