Sun Nianrui: China Securities Regulatory Commission will launch special corporate governance activity |


Original title: Sun Nianrui: China Securities Regulatory Commission will launch special corporate governance activities


[Sun Nianrui: China Securities Regulatory Commission lancerà speciali attività di corporate governance]Sun Nianrui, Deputy Director of the Supervision Department of Listed Companies of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, pointed out at the annual meeting of the China Southern Finance International Forum 2020 on November 28 that the China Securities Regulatory Commission will launch special corporate governance activities. Adhere to the “two-wheel drive” of information disclosure supervision and corporate governance supervision, and take 1-2 years to strengthen corporate governance profitability requirements, improve the relevant corporate governance system of rules and guide listed companies to form a set of effective corporate governance containment mechanism. (China Securities Network)

  China Securities Regulatory CommissionListedthe companySun Nianrui, Deputy Director of the Supervisory Department, pointed out at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the Southern International Finance Forum on November 28 that the next step, the China Securities Regulatory Commission will beginCorporate governanceSpecial activities, adhere to the “two-wheel drive” of information disclosure and corporate governance supervision, and take 1-2 years to strengthen corporate governance bottom-line requirements, improve the relevant corporate governance system of rules and guide listed companies to form a whole that is in line with China’s national conditions and is suitable for listing The company’s effective and effective corporate governance constraintsmechanism

(Source: China Securities Network)

(Responsible publisher: DF526)

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