Starwatch: Watch Out For Leonid Meteor Shower This Week | Science


Starwatch chart November 16, 2020 Leonid meteor shower

This week Earth plows through the stream of debris that was left in space by the tail of comet Tempel-Tuttle, and that means meteors. The Leonid meteor shower is so named because all the shooting stars associated with it appear to come from a point just below the head of Leo, the lion. Meteors fly in all directions from this point and at their peak they should produce about 10-20 bright meteors per hour.

The graph shows the view looking east from London at midnight when November 17th becomes November 18th. Leo has risen but is still quite low which means some meteors will not be seen as they will head below the horizon. The later you manage to stand, the more rewards you should see, as the Lion rises higher in the sky.

In the southern hemisphere, observers require more patience as Leo gets up later in the night and can be found near the horizon to the northeast.


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