SRI offers an offensive position against hackers


The SRI requires a law to attack hackers who threaten Romania. Specialists propose an offensive defense against cyber attacks and admit that a new strategy is needed. There is already a bill at the MApN that discusses a different attitude in the field of computer defense.

The United States and other countries of the European Union have implemented an offensive position since last year in the context of growing cyber threats. The specialists of the SRI consider a similar approach to our country absolutely necessary.

Anton Rog, the head of the National Cyberint SRI Center: They want to find the source of the attack as soon as possible, they want to eliminate the infrastructure on which the attack takes place and whether the consequences of the attack have had economic or human impact, material assets and so on. on the other hand, international law allows them the right to defense, to the countermeasures through which they can obtain in equal measure such actions against their respective states.

If an institution with a critical infrastructure is attacked by a group of cybercrime, the offensive plan involves blocking the attack, quickly locating the infrastructure used by the attacker and destroying it. Furthermore, attacking states can also take countermeasures.

Anton Rog, the head of the National Cyberint SRI Center: A state that made it very clear that it must be proactive-offensive to defend its interests of all kinds was in the United States. After analyzing this trend this year, in my opinion, it would be essential for us to have a new strategic approach at the level of the Operational Council for Cybersecurity and we should start to be even a little proactive.

Specialists say that such an attitude can only be useful if applied very carefully.

Bogdan Botezatu, expert: The defensive attitude is not necessarily sufficient, but it is quite satisfactory. Some attacks can not be attributed with certainty to a country. Most of the time, the perpetrators of cyber attacks leave false traces that lead to another state. If we had an offensive attitude, we could always attack states that are not guilty.

Last year, the Romanian government adopted a European directive that requires a high level of security for all institutions. They will be required to report any cyber threats to CERT-RO, the National Information Security Accident Response Center.

Read also: The dangers in the shadow of Romania, with the presidency of the Council of the EU



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