Sit all day? 11 minutes of walking is enough to repair the damage


If you think sitting for hours while working from home is killing you (slowly) here’s good news. According to a new study, it only takes 11 minutes of walking to undo the effects of sitting for long periods. This is a much shorter amount of activity than the previous thought. A 2016 study led us to believe we’d have to mash that bootcamp for an hour or more to get the benefits. For those who “hate exercise”, a simple walk in the park is enough to live a long and healthy life for years to come!

The relationship between a sedentary lifestyle and mortality has manifested itself in data from a study of over 44,000 people followed for 14 years, but the worst results were those who sat longer, like 8.5 hours, and moved less. The novelty and remarkable novelty of the research is that there was not a big difference between those who participated in the longer and more rigorous physical activity and those who did a moderate amount.

To quote from the study: “Among those in the highest third of [moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity] MVPA, the risk of death was not statistically different from … those in between. “So while you have to move to be healthy, you may not need to go crazy or train for a marathon, or do anything more than moderate walking for at least 11 minutes a day, which was enough to reduce the negative effects of sitting. for hours. The new study confirmed that the highest mortality rates occur among the most sedentary, but if people went for a walk, they reduced the risk of dying young all the way through, even if they sat for long periods. .

For anyone who loves reading studies, here is a slightly modified quote: “Among the cohorts, the mean time spent sedentary ranged from 8.5 hours per day to 10.5 hours per day and from 8 minutes to 35 minutes per day for [activity]. Compared to the reference group (maximum physical activity and shorter sedentary time), the risk of death increases with lower levels of [activity] and a greater amount of sedentary time. Among those in the highest third of [activity], the risk of death was not statistically different from … those in the middle … and the highest … third of the sedentary time. Those in the lower third of [activity] he had a greater risk of death in all combinations with sedentary time. So … if you sit down, move.

Conclusion: if you sit for hours, take a break, get up and go for a walk. Or get a dog! Maybe all those pound puppies adopted during the pandemic that now have to be walked morning, noon and evening are saving us, to pay us back for saving them! Have you been sitting reading this? Grab that leash and go out the door.


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