Review StudUP ICO (StudCoin): Token Blockchain educational project?


What is StudUP?

StudUp it is the first educational blockchain project in the world, which highlights the knowledge of students and graduates of all universities around the world. It is often difficult for a young person to express his professional knowledge without having sufficient work experience. In today's labor market, many employers conclude that a university degree is not a measure of specialist competence.

In this context, StudUp arrives with a solution. The platform tries to create an expert knowledge assessment system (they call it StudRate) for students and graduates on blockchain according to employers' requirements. Participants who successfully complete the assignment together with their teachers and universities will receive rewards in the form of a StudCoin token and get a position in the assessment.

How the StudUP educational blockchain token project works

The platform is open to all graduates of any university anywhere in the world to undergo expert annual knowledge assessment through StudRate, based on their specialization. Employers and reputable experts will fill out test questions and on the basis of the evaluation results, participants will receive an evaluation score. Those who score more than 60 points are rewarded with StudCoin tokens. In addition, each score above 60 earns more points than the previous one.

Once issued, the results of the StudRate evaluation remain on the blockchain permanently, reflecting the growth of a person's knowledge between 17 and 30 years. Employers can access this information and pay for data access using the StudCoin tokens, which they can purchase from StudRate participants.

Organizations interested in the project will also have the opportunity to purchase tokens and thus stimulate the development of education in specific sectors, regions and educational institutions. The blockchain will have records on the evaluation of teachers and universities based on the evaluation of StudRate participants.

StudUP Target Audience

According to its founder Viktor Shyian,

"Knowledge is the principal capital for a specialist StudUp It was created to motivate young people to get as much knowledge as possible and become professionals in their favorite activities. Our goal is to create a reliable system for assessing young people's knowledge that employers around the world will trust ".

The following is a diversified target audience of StudUp.

  • University students and graduates: Participants who successfully pass the StudRate evaluation, their teachers and universities, will receive the StudCoin tokens. Tokens are available from internal platform services.
  • Human Resources Departments: Employers will have the opportunity to purchase StudCoin checkers and gain access to the StudRate rating. This will allow them to find competent staff.
  • Sponsors: sponsors can help in the organization of the social responsibility project framework.
  • States and universities: states and universities will be able to further encourage their best students with StudCoin tokens. This will motivate them to learn even better.

First StudUP test

The project intends to conduct the first expert experimental evaluation of StudRate's knowledge on March 2, 2019. Students and graduates of universities under thirty years of age in the "Advertising and PR" specialty will be the first to participate in the evaluation. Areas of specialization will include Marketing, Digital Marketing, Graphic Design, Copywriting and Public Relations.

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