Random ethernet token The founding capital of omniscience (ODF) is taking 10% of the network gas (ether)


Random ethernet token The founding capital of omniscience (ODF) is taking 10% of the network gas (ether)

There seems to be a token that is consuming more than 10% of Ethereum's gas supply. According to the Reddit user, kevinsimper, there is a contract with several pending transactions.

According to another user who responded to the discussion, he commented that it is a contract for & # 39; Omniscience Dedication Financial. & # 39; Another Redditor explained that there is no information on the internet.

An article on the mater explained that there is a company known as Omniscience Capital but there is no information on blockchain technology or smart contracts on their official website.

The EthGasStation website shows that the contract uses the largest amount of gas on the network. Although the number of gas used is lower than a few hours ago, it remains very high.

The gas is used on the Ethereum platform to process the transactions. The larger the amount of gas used in a transaction, the more it becomes expensive. When multiple transactions are processed simultaneously in the network, the gas becomes more expensive and the tariffs increase.

The contract is also related to an unknown user who has made transactions only on two different tokens, ODF and CKC. However, there is no information on ODF. CKC, on the other hand, has only 15 holders.

The question that many users ask is: what's going on with this smart contract? A user on Reddit has informed that there are several tokens that tend to do so. In general, coins are made up of ICOs or chain exchanges that have "paid extraction".

Another item that was circulating could be related to an EOS strategy that aims to increase the Ethereum network rates paid by users and transaction times. This would allow EOS to acquire more users in the future, but there is no information to confirm it.

At the time of writing this article, there is no further information on this smart contract or who is behind it.

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